Greetings Space Cadets
We are almost there.
It has taken about a month to setup all these photo galleries, but it is just about ready. As I mentioned when I was what turned out to be a disastrous holiday I’ve been using NextGEN Galleries showcase my photos. But NextGEN has some serious issues mainly stemming from its thumb image generation. It takes up 100% of my servers processing capabilities, making the site completely inaccessible during those times, taking 30+ seconds for each image and only creates the thumbs for about two thirds of that gallery meaning I have to make multiple passes on each one. Due to this some of the Gallery’s you view may have missing thumbs but the full size images are all there, and just to remind all the large images are large so depending on your connection speed may take longer to display and NextGEN dose not show image progress and will only show the photo after it is fully downloaded.
But enough of NextGENs problems is back up and open the old version of my site (the one with the pretty girls :p ) is still available from the link above and will be left as I have an obscene amount of storage here. So explore, leave your comments, please share us with your friends. All of our Twitter and Facebook pages are available, sign up for updates of my expeditions, and other random adventures, and I’ve heard rumours of an iOS app in this works, so stay tuned. As for the missing thumbs they will slowly appear in the coming week or two and if you can’t co. ext to the site for some reason during this time it is most likely due to NextGEN creating the missing thumbs.
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