Cumbria Flooding – Ingenious Solutions to Problems That Should Never Have Existed
It's an ingenious solution to a problem that should never have existed in the first place.
The volume of water that passed over our home could not be stopped but I could be diverted so take a look at my dams and diversions part modelled from a document I watched in the 90s where an inventor was pitted again the British army to hold back a flood, the Army and their sandbag walls lost to metal frame with a plastic sheet that held by about 9 sandbags, and from what I observed the weight of the water created the seal, and in the tiny spot where it leaked you tossed a sand bag over into the water and it resealed whereas at the army barrier waster was flowing through as if it wasnāt there.
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To Channel the water to flow through the drive way gates stopping it flowing through this gate and washing up to and through the front door. The plastic sheet is wrapped around a heavy Slate sheet that fits the gate perfectly. The Soil is there to be washed away, but before it is the weight of the water that will build up seals the gate.

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