Bisto 2015 – 2016
Greetings Space Cadets, sad news today The Boss of the Coop Bisto has not been herself getting slower and not eaten for two days, and as I went to see my girls this morning she was too weak to stand up, and it was time to say Goodbye.
Although I have said 2015 – 2016 she was a lot older for a chicken I only had her for 18 months as she was part of three other who where the sole survivors form a friend’s flock that got decimated by a Fox, back when she was called Beryl, now all three of them have passed just two months ago Sage and Onion, and The Colonel last November. At least now Bisto will be able to play with The Colonel as when alive, the two of them where never far apart. When he passed Bisto spent weeks setting in his favorite little spots waiting for him.
I will miss Bisto and her powerful wings slapping me whenever I went to talk to her.
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