Paxo 2015 – 2017

Cuddle Time With Paxo
Greetings Space Cadets, devastating news today we lost one of our little girls, Paxo. Paxo was one of our first girls. She had been behaving just as normal, betting in to mischief, chasing everyone from the breakfast dishes, and suddenly yesterday she just stopped, standing in the on her own, sitting on the eggs. We thought she was egg bound and brought her into the house for the night. This morning she was acting fine enjoying the couple of hours or being fussed while we watched an Errol Flynn movie. We took her back out to join the others and so her Sister OxO did not get upset looking for her. Paxo was in and out of the coop slowly walking around, while I looked for a vet that was open on Sunday. We took and down and the Vet didn’t like the look of her from the start. She took Paxo to X-ray to see if she had an egg stuck, but unfortunately discovered that she had both lung cancer and cancer in her leg bones. The Vet said she only had a day or so, and we did not want her and the other girls to suffer, so we had to say Goodbye.
Paxo was one of my first girls, the first of my girls to talk to me and let me stroke her, a beautiful red with a white ring around her neck, she was very inquisitive and an explore. She was always the first to explore new places and report back to the others. She was the first to jump the wall and started hiding behind a slab and a bush next to the old garage to lay her egg each day. This was the start of her favourite game or playing Hide & Seek with the egg spots all over the garden, she had me searching for weeks with one spot and she had amassed 16 eggs in it.

Cuddle Time With Paxo
Whenever there where treats on the go she like Tikka wanted to be first in line and would jump on my knee to get in first, and when there was no treats and she was on my knee she wasn’t afraid to tell me exactly what she wanted lifting her head up so she could get her chin and neck tickled and rubbed or pecking at my hand if she wanted my hand to cradle her, or laying back on her side on my knee to so she could stretch her wing out and sunbath. When it was time for bed or time to for a snooze Paxo was always funny to watch she slept with her noise up in there. Paxo had complete trust in me and I could carrier her at any angle as she would lay on her wing sideways in my hand and I could carrier her around. But it wasn’t all one way Paxo would always thank me for her cuddles with a little cuddle before she hopped down.
My Cheeky Little Paxo will be missed, her sister OxO who both spent all their time together playing together is really going to miss her, when I came home without Paxo, OxO cuddle up into me pressing herself up against my chest for a cuddle.
Below are some photos from over the past 2 years with Paxo from when we first for her as a little chick to this morning and all the trouble in-between.

Paxo Still had her Cheeky Smile

Paxo Still had her Cheeky Smile

Cuddle Time With Paxo

Cuddle Time With Paxo

Paxo Giving Me A Cuddle After I Had Tickled Her Chin

Paxo Giving Me A Cuddle After I Had Tickled Her Chin

Paxo 2015-2017

Paxo And The Gang

Paxo Hiding In The Snow

Paxo Playing Hide and Seek with the Eggs

Paxo Playing In After The Flood

Paxo Playing In After The Flood

Paxo And The Girls Playing In The Fresh Cut Grass

Paxo 2015-2017

Paxo 2015-2017

Paxo Had Been Playing In The Mud

Paxo Had Been Playing In The Mud

Paxo Sun Bathing In The Sun Tent

OxO Paxo And Gravy Bath Time

My The Crazy Chickens

Inquisitive Paxo

Inquisitive Paxo

Hail Hydra

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