Dingieshowe – Orkney
Follow the whole expedition across Orkney and beyond here.
You can see what else I am up to in my YouTube channel. You can also find me on Twitter and Facebook so drop by and say Hi, :p Transparent-Aluminium.net
Greetings Space Cadets, while searching and attempting to triangulate the location of The Unknown Cross we stopped off at the beach joining to of the islands. This sandy beach forms the isthmus which connects Deerness to the Mainland of Orkney and is popular with walkers. An old defensive structure, the broch mound is strategically sited amongst the dunes on the south side, taking its name from the Old Norse for ‘parliament mount’. Look out for colourful plants and the beautiful views of the Holm coastline.
Follow the whole expedition across Orkney and beyond here.
You can see what else I am up to in my YouTube channel. You can also find me on Twitter and Facebook so drop by and say Hi, :p Transparent-Aluminium.net
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