Accounting Solutions: MIS v1.7.1i Update

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Greetings Space Cadets, The v1.7.1i update is ready for distribution. Please watch our video for a demonstration of the new features.

New Core Features:

  • Express Stocktake
  • Order Duplicate
  • Barcode Manager
  • Label Generation
  • Extended eMail function
  • Expanded cloud archive
  • VAT invoice summary

Download the complete version history here.

You can also learn more about our Accounting Solutions software in our Business Center, and find further support here.

Express Stocktake

New stocktake function added this can be accessed from, Stock Control and Purchase Order > Stocktake (Beta). NOTE this function only works with barcoded products.

Form this form if there is an active stocktake, details of this will be shown, if no active stocktake is in progress only current live stock will be shown. If you do not want to include some categories in the stocktake you can check them in the exclude category list, this can be used to exclude accounting or digital products information. You can also exclude all products that are services from the options menu.

Depending on your system speed some values may render as #Error, simply click refresh #Error and this will re-render the screen.

Click Start Stocktake, as the Stocktake can be carried out by multiple workstations if a stocktake is already in progress you will be asked to join it. If you do not join or there is no Stocktake in progress a new Stocktake will begin clearing all previous data. If you join a stock take and have previously paused your progress you will be asked to resume or start your count again.

Once loaded you will be disconnected from the core system allowing you to take your tablet or laptop beyond WiFi limits to count all your stock. The screen is optimised for a touch interface and is recommended that you use a tablet or laptop, or if you have full WiFi coverage a phone or small tablet with a Bluetooth barcode reader.

Depending on your system speed some values may render as #Error, simply click refresh #Error and this will re-render the screen.

With the Red Barcode box selected simply scan all your products. If a product is weighted, then the screen will change to ask you to tap the weight value. If you want to enter a count manual e.g. you can see 10 copies of Firefly and do not want to scan all 10, simply tap the button next to the red barcode button marked with the keyboard icon. It will turn red when active then scan your first item then the screen will change to ask you to tap the value.

If you need to pause your count e.g. if a customer called to place an order, click pause and then come back to the stock take later.

Once you have finished click Save Stocktake. You will be returned to the main stocktake screen and all your counted values will be added to the full stocktake. If more than one workstation is doing the stocktake these values will be added together until you are finished.

Once your stock take is complete click Finalise Stocktake this will save cumulative stocktake figures to live stock levels and archived stock take in excel format to “\Files\Stocktake” and will include the username of the person who completed it. Note that when saving all excluded categorised and services stock will be set to Zero, regardless of setting.

Cloud Backup

The system can now back up to the following locations:

  • Microsoft OneDrive
  • Adobe Creative Cloud
  • Google Drive
  • DropBox
  • Local Default
  • Custome Location

Order Duplicate

Added duplicate order button to customer order history. Select an order and click duplicate order. A duplicated order will be created with default new order dates, and unpriced. Products UOM quantities and notes are duplicated. Once you have reviewed the order you can price and print picklist.

Barcode Manager & Label Generation

Complete overhaul of barcode manager form to allow for label creation. Labels print 21 Labels Per Sheet – EU30015 – 63.5mm x 38.1mm. To use find the product and enter the number of labels required of what type. Select price group to print price for that group on your product labels, the default is the default retail till price group. If you are reusing a part used sheet of labels enter the number of blanks that are required. Once complete click generate labels to print labels. You can also clear all labels counts by clicking clear labels.

Labels print down in columns before moving back to the top, as illustrated, and label examples are shown on the screen.

Added label generation to Purchase order fill. Note that this will clear any existing label counts.

You can see what else I am up to on my YouTube channel. You can also find me on Twitter and Facebook so drop by and say Hi, :p

Learn more about our services over at our Business Center or Download our Brochure. You can also learn more about me here.  
DR Yuill-Kirkwood

Greetings, I'm Dr Ravenholm, (or DR Yuill-Kirkwood to people that know me). Welcome to my site to the uninitiated our name is in reference to one of my favourite things, Star Trek. My site was created mainly to showcase my photographic work, and my random expeditions and adventures. Other than my photography I love movies and gaming on my Xbox and reading. Some of my favourites being Star Trek, Lord Of The Rings, Serenity, Firefly (Jewel Staite being the most beautiful girl in the verse), Mass Effect, Halo, and Skyrim, I could go on. I hope you enjoy my site and I can also be found in the following places... Twitter: @DRYuillKirkwood on Xbox Live: Dr Ravenholm, on Google+ and on Facebook.

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Dr. Ravenholm

Dr. Ravenholm

Greetings, I’m DR Yuill-Kirkwood (Dr Ravenholm) and welcome to my site I keep a small flock of Chickens and you can follow their stories in Tales From The Coop. I love movies, gaming on my XBOX and reading. Some of my favourites being Star Trek, Lord Of The Rings, Serenity, Firefly (Jewel Staite being the most beautiful girl in the verse), Mass Effect, Halo, Skyrim, and Minecraft, I could go on. You can also find me meeting all the celebrities at Comic-Con. In addition to my business my website and blog showcase my photography, YouTube videos, and expeditions & adventures. I hope you enjoy your visit to and we look forward to talking to you so please comment and share with your friends and drop by and see us on all your favourite social media websites.

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