Tales From The Coop: Tikka’s Street Cred

Greetings Space Cadets, This is Tikka, she has been behaving very unusually lately. Normally she doesn’t like to be picked up or to sit on my knee. If I do get her to come on my knee she will normally sit on the end and only stay for a minute or two, but this past two weeks she has been keeping close to me and sleeping on my knee.

Tikka is clearly sucking up to boost her street cred as she has been bad.

Tikka is number 5 in the Pecking Order and two weeks ago she, out of nowhere came up behind and pecked OxO, number 2 in the order. Lets just say Tikka instantly regretted this as OxO turned around with a look of rage. The chest came out on OxO as she pecked Tikka, she doubled in size and leaped in the air and came down on Tikka from above and chased her across the enclosure. Once she let her go OxO came back to where she was digging but not before pecking the number 4 Gravy in way of saying get Tikka in order and don’t you try that.

Ever since then all the others have been picking on her pecking her making sure she knows her place in the order. Which has led her to want to be around me more, one for protection the same way I protect BBQ the number 6 form the others, and secondly raise her Street Cred with the others showing that she has my approval.

Don’t for get the follow all the Tales From The Coop here.

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Greetings, I'm Dr Ravenholm, (or DR Yuill-Kirkwood to people that know me). Welcome to my site Transparent-Aluminium.net to the uninitiated our name is in reference to one of my favourite things, Star Trek. My site was created mainly to showcase my photographic work, and my random expeditions and adventures. Other than my photography I love movies and gaming on my Xbox and reading. Some of my favourites being Star Trek, Lord Of The Rings, Serenity, Firefly (Jewel Staite being the most beautiful girl in the verse), Mass Effect, Halo, and Skyrim, I could go on. I hope you enjoy my site and I can also be found in the following places... Twitter: @DRYuillKirkwood on Xbox Live: Dr Ravenholm, on Google+ and on Facebook.

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Dr. Ravenholm

Dr. Ravenholm

Greetings, I’m DR Yuill-Kirkwood (Dr Ravenholm) and welcome to my site Transparent-Aluminium.net I keep a small flock of Chickens and you can follow their stories in Tales From The Coop. I love movies, gaming on my XBOX and reading. Some of my favourites being Star Trek, Lord Of The Rings, Serenity, Firefly (Jewel Staite being the most beautiful girl in the verse), Mass Effect, Halo, Skyrim, and Minecraft, I could go on. You can also find me meeting all the celebrities at Comic-Con. In addition to my business my website and blog showcase my photography, YouTube videos, and expeditions & adventures. I hope you enjoy your visit to Transparent-Aluminium.net and we look forward to talking to you so please comment and share with your friends and drop by and see us on all your favourite social media websites.

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