Tales From The Coop: Sergeant Major Speckled – The Boss
Greetings Space Cadets, This is Speckled. She is one of the loudest girls you will ever meet, she never stops I don’t know how she doesn’t have a sore throat, the only times she is quiet is after she has been sitting on my knee for 5 minuets and is starting to snooze.
After Bisto and Chasseur passed see became the Boss of the Coop and runs the Coop like a military operation.
From the way she stands with chest out and neck in, Sergeant Major Speckled just need the cane under her wing as she keeps all the girls in order. She liens them all up at feather pruning time, walking down the line checking everyone feather, pulling and pecking at the other girl’s feather telling them tidy themselves up.
When it comes to bed time the girls have to Sergeant Major Speckled instructions, and have to enter the coop in the correct order. If one of the girl try to go in to the coop in the out of order she will sent them out. If she gets really annoyed they will she will throw them all out and make them start again.
Don’t for get the follow all the Tales From The Coop here.
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