Tikka 2015 – 2018

Tikka BBQ and Gravy Coming Home

Greetings Space Cadets, devastating news today we lost one of our little girls, Tikka. Tikka had been unwell for a couple of weeks having difficulty breathing due to an air sack infection courses by straw that should not have been sold for pets to have in there bedding. We brought her in from the coop and she had her own private bed (something she has always wanted). On the vet’s recommendation we got her a nebuliser and oils and gave her a 10-minute session every day and she always lurked up after each session. On Friday she would not eat anything and all the other girls in the coop would not leave her we contacted the vets and they gave us some different medicine to try and by the end of the day she was eating we gave her some watermelon and she was loving it, when I went to bed she gave me her head tilted look that she liked to give me and I said goodnight. But in the morning mum came to tell me that she had gone in the night, she had left her little bed and passed next to my chair where I sit at night and cuddle my girls.

Cheeky Tikka

Tikka was our lottery win girl as we got her with Gravy and BBQ with £30 we won on the lottery on the 29th of August 2015. Tikka had many names Little T, Teak, Cheeky Tikka, Tikka The Sun Worshiper and most often Tikka The Tinker.


Tikka had the biggest Comb and Wattles on the flock and it was always funny after Tickle For Tikka time when she would shake it off you could hear her Comb and Wattles slapping her on the face as she shook.

I think as she had the biggest Comb and Wattles she thought she should be in a higher spot on the pecking order and was always challenging OxO to try to move up the ranks. I remember when Tikka was number 5 in the Pecking Order, out of nowhere came up behind and pecked OxO, number 2 in the order. Let’s just say Tikka instantly regretted this as OxO turned around with a look of rage. The chest came out on OxO as she pecked Tikka, she doubled in size and leapt in the air and came down on Tikka from above and chased her across the enclosure. Once she let her go OxO came back to where she was digging but not before pecking the number 4 Gravy in way of saying get Tikka in order and don’t you try that. Tikka was now number 3 in the order under Speckled and Gravy and was always chasing the younger Nuggets even to her last day.

Normally she doesn’t like to be picked up or to sit on my knee. If I do get her to come on my knee she will normally sit on the end and only stay for a minute or two, but after that incident with OxO she had been keeping close to me and sleeping on my knee. Tikka was clearly sucking up to boost her Street Cred as she has been bad. Ever since then all the others have been picking on her pecking her making sure she knows her place in the order. Which has led her to want to be around me more, one for protection the same way I protect BBQ the number 6 form the others, and secondly raise her Street Cred with the others showing that she has my approval.

Tikka had not laid any eggs for about 18 months she gave up as she had only been laying jelly eggs, the vet told us that this was due to Tikka having small tight butt, she always had a bony budge on her back and when she was little and could be spotted by her butt sticking up. She also had had no tail feathers for a long time but after we lost OxO she grew her feathers back, she was so soft and cuddly and finally got her tail and head feathers back changing her colours from light to dark red for OxO and Paxo.

Last winter Tikka hurt her little leg slipping on the ice while hopping over a table leg support, the poor baby limped for days. You can see a video of her investigating the snow before her accident here.

Tikka Perching on my Arm

Tikka had always been a sleepy chicken and Tikka is always the first to want to go to bed and prefers to sleep on her own. She does not often sit on my knee at bedtime and prefers to go into the Coop and get an hour’s peace while all the others use me a climbing frame to sleep on. Before Speckled took to snoozing next to me for an hour before going onto the coop when it came to bedtime the girls had to follow Sergeant Major Speckled instructions, and have to enter the coop in the correct order. If one of the girls try to go into the coop in the out of order she will send them out. If she gets really annoyed they will she will throw them all out and make them start again. This led to Tikka waiting outside all fluffed up for Gravy to go in she would then spring up and go into the coop.

Tikka In The Sun

Tikka would always answer her name being called with the exception of when she was doing her favourite pastime of Sunbathing or Sun worshipping. Little Tikka loved laying out in the sun and was always the first to get them all started. She finds a thick patch of grass to rest on and stretches her wings, waiting for the others to gather in the sun. I winter as the sun would not hit the garden much I had to look out for it hitting the shed and go out and open it so she could catch the sun hitting the back of the shed or out a box for her to be raised up to the level of the sun. When we lived in Cumbria she would be over the wall in the sun in her dust bath under some plastic roof pieces just out of view of the wall when I was looking for her. One day I thought she was sunbathing but couldn’t find her, I could hear her little trumpeting squeaks but couldn’t see her. When I found her she was in the next field having gotten lost walking along the stream, she immediately let me pick her up to take her home and never crossed into that field again. The only other way to get Tikka to move was with a slice or 50/50 bread or as we called in the shopping list Tikkas Bread.

I hope now that my little Tikka is playing nicely with OxO and Paxo.

Below are some photos from over the past 2 and a half years with Tikka from when we first had her as a little chick to today and all the trouble in-between.


Tikka Settling in on her first day

Tikka Settling in on her first day

Tikka Perching on my Arm

Tikka In The Sun

Tikka In The Sun

Tikka In The Sun

Tikka In The Sun

Tikka OxO and BBQ

Tikka and BBQs first day Exploring

Tikka and BBQs first day Exploring

Tikka and Gravy In The Sun

Tikka and BBQ

Tikka 2015 – 2018

Little Tikka

Little Tikka

Greetings, I'm Dr Ravenholm, (or DR Yuill-Kirkwood to people that know me). Welcome to my site Transparent-Aluminium.net to the uninitiated our name is in reference to one of my favourite things, Star Trek. My site was created mainly to showcase my photographic work, and my random expeditions and adventures. Other than my photography I love movies and gaming on my Xbox and reading. Some of my favourites being Star Trek, Lord Of The Rings, Serenity, Firefly (Jewel Staite being the most beautiful girl in the verse), Mass Effect, Halo, and Skyrim, I could go on. I hope you enjoy my site and I can also be found in the following places... Twitter: @DRYuillKirkwood on Xbox Live: Dr Ravenholm, on Google+ and on Facebook.

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About Me

Dr. Ravenholm

Dr. Ravenholm

Greetings, I’m DR Yuill-Kirkwood (Dr Ravenholm) and welcome to my site Transparent-Aluminium.net I keep a small flock of Chickens and you can follow their stories in Tales From The Coop. I love movies, gaming on my XBOX and reading. Some of my favourites being Star Trek, Lord Of The Rings, Serenity, Firefly (Jewel Staite being the most beautiful girl in the verse), Mass Effect, Halo, Skyrim, and Minecraft, I could go on. You can also find me meeting all the celebrities at Comic-Con. In addition to my business my website and blog showcase my photography, YouTube videos, and expeditions & adventures. I hope you enjoy your visit to Transparent-Aluminium.net and we look forward to talking to you so please comment and share with your friends and drop by and see us on all your favourite social media websites.

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